A Theatre Outing with TMI:

Watching "Open House" at Infinithéâtre 

Saturday April 20th 2024


**Please note that "A Theatre Outing with TMI: Watching Open House at Infinithéâtre" is not one of our courses, but a one-time special event.**

Looking for a fun weekend outing with a group of fellow theatre-lovers? Join TMI as we set out to watch Open House, a brand-new production at Infinithéâtre, written by Drew Hayden Taylor and directed by Dian Marie Bridge. 

Summary of the play: Five individuals show up at an open house, hoping to find their perfect home. Each feels the most deserving to win the prize. Debate ensues and emotions ignite. Drew’s play is a literal and philosophical examination of our tendency to compare and compete, frequently along cultural lines, and the human tendency to attach ourselves emotionally to the concept of land-ownership. 

Participants who reserve their seats for TMI’s group outing will pay a special 15$ entrance fee (as opposed to the regular general admission of 30$), and will be able to enjoy a 15-minute talk-back session at the end of the performance, for a Q&A with the creative team.

Places are limited—reserve your seats today!

**Information for participants: On the day of the event, simply arrive at the box office and provide the name of the person who reserved the seats through TMI. You will not receive electronic tickets.

You will receive a confirmation email detailing the number of seats you reserved. Please check your spam folder if necessary.**


Funded by the Government of Canada's Community Services Recovery Fund.


Date: Saturday April 20th 2024 

Time: 2:00PM  

(Approx. 75 min., no intermission) 

Location: Infinithéâtre, Factory Studios, at 2000 Notre-Dame St. East, (Montreal, Quebec H2K 2N3)

Fill the following form to register

Questions? Stuck? Give us a call at (514) 935-9585
or email us at info@thomasmore.qc.ca