Fall 2024
Course offerings for the Fall 2024 term include selections in History, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Writing, and more.
Courses may take place in person, on Zoom, or in a hybrid format where participants can choose whether to participate in person or on Zoom for the same course. The location listings on this page will remain up-to-date.
TMI's Learning Method:
What's it like to learn at TMI? Our courses promote shared inquiry in small group discussions led by facilitators rather than lecturers. In our approach, learning is cooperative rather than competitive, and emerges from active participation and respectful listening. You can take individual courses that interest you, or work toward a structured bachelor of arts degree or comprehensive certificate that involve additional coursework.
Our Values:
Curiosity: We believe in an ongoing desire to learn and improve.
Creativity: We value imaginative explorations of ideas.
Openness: We value the exchange of ideas, and we respect all voices.
Community: We value and cultivate a community of learners.
Share your curiosity at TMI!
Bring-a-Friend Promotion for Fall 2024:
This year, TMI is offering a discount to participants who bring a new student to TMI. Do you know someone who may want to attend the same TMI course as you? Invite them to join and both you and your friend will receive the New Participant rate ($100 plus a $40 administrative fee). Don’t miss out on the opportunity and help spread the word about TMI!
*Applicable to courses for which a New Student rate is available. To take advantage of this promotion, please register by phone or in person during our opening hours (Monday to Thursday).
Mehmet Ali and the Rise of Modern Egypt

Myths and Realities: The Russian-Ukrainian Conflict in Context

Jane Eyre and her Heirs

Re-Reading Kafka: 100 years later

The Rhetoric of Place: Writers from Atlantic Canada

Hope on the Horizon of Meaning

Why Be Just? Exploring Plato’s Republic

Democracy at Risk? Disinformation in the Age of Social Media

Family Triangles and the Function of the Third

In the News Forum

The Story of What We Eat: A Foodie’s Delight

The Art and Strategy of Writing for the Screen

Finding Your Voice: Memoir as a Guide to Authentic Self-Revelation

Out of Africa: East African Politics and Displaced Communities in the Novels of Abdulrazak Gurnah

D’où vient la masculinité «toxique»?

Les racines historiques du colonialisme et de la décolonisation

Questions? Stuck? Give us a call at (514) 935-9585
or email us at info@thomasmore.qc.ca
or email us at info@thomasmore.qc.ca