Repatriation of Cultural Artifacts

Literature | Art History

Course Description

The millions of people who each year visit the Louvre in Paris, The Metropolitan in New York, and the British Museum in London do not often realize that many objects on display were acquired by theft or coercion. They are in many instances trophies from an imperial age. Today, these museums are being asked to return these artefacts to their countries of origin.

Should the Elgin Marbles be returned to the Parthenon in Greece? What consequences could this imply? What about the Benin Bronzes? Up to 95 percent of historical African art resides in collections outside Africa. Is it not time that the Bronzes be given back to Benin? Shouldn’t Africans be able to grow up seeing the best of the art they have produced?

We will examine these repatriation requests on a case-by-case basis while also considering the vital role and history of museums. What does repatriation signify? Would it mean that the world’s greatest museums be emptied of their treasures? Or are there compromise solutions such as inter-museum loans? Are there instances in which loans would not be appropriate?

Books to purchase: TBA

Please note that this course has a maximum enrollment of 16 students and that TMI does not allow participants to audit courses for free.

Course Details

Location: Atwater

First Session: Tuesday April 15th, 2024

Course Length: 6 weeks, Tuesdays, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

Discussion Team: Jane Thomson, Karen Etingin                            

Degree Credit: 1.5 credits

Course Fee:

$80.00 (New Students)
$125.00 (Standard Tuition)

Administrative Fee:



$110.00 (New Students)

$155.00 (Standard Tuition)

Course fees are refundable in full before the first session. After the first session, a fee of $50 for the withdrawal will be applied. Refunds will not be issued after the second session. Please note that non-attendance does not constitute a withdrawal.

Course leaders, and students wishing to use credit vouchers, should call (514) 935-9585 to pay by phone or to schedule an appointment to pay in person.


Fill the following form to register

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