The Long Twelfth Century

History | Theology

Course Description

You took your cue from [Plato] and said that the reason why it was necessary for philosophers to take part in government was to prevent the reins of government falling into the hands of wicked and unprincipled men to the ruin and destruction of the good.

—Lady Philosophy to Boethius in The Consolation of Philosophy

From 1050 to 1215 Western Europe experienced drastic change socially, politically, and philosophically. This course will explore these rapid shifts in thought. With the rise of early scholasticism, the solidification of the Cathedral schools, and the rediscovery of parts of Aristotle’s works through the translations of Arab thinkers, many of the great medieval minds like Anselm of Canterbury, Bernard of Clairvaux, and Peter Abelard, thrived. This course will explore this intellectual shift while also examining the impact it had on the politics of the day.

Some central questions we will seek to explore are: What is the connection between the university and the political world at this time in history? Does the philosophy of the time dictate the politics, or do the political outlooks of leaders impact the direction of intellectual evolution? We will also look at the Church’s role in this development. What happens when philosophical speculation comes up against doctrine? How can intellectuals help advance and shape theology? Does this impact the relationship between Church and State?

 Two case studies that will help us examine these questions will be William the Conqueror in England and Matilda of Canossa in Italy. In both rulers we see examples of leaders seeking to unify territories and establish a new political order. Through them, we will try to gain a better understanding of this complex and fascinating period.

Books to Purchase:

  • TBA

Please note that this course has a maximum enrollment of 16 students and that TMI does not allow participants to audit courses for free.

Course Details

Location: Atwater or online

First Session: Thursday, January 16th, 2025

Course Length: 12 weeks, Thursdays, 6:15 to 8:15 p.m.

Discussion Team: Joseph Vietri, Charlotte de Neeve    

Degree Credit: 3 credits

Total Course Fee: 

$140.00 (New Students)
$140.00 (Special Bring-A-Friend Promotion: For Returning Students who bring a New Student to TMI. Register by phone.)*
$200.00 (Returning Students)**

*Note on Bring-A-Friend Promotion for Returning Students: The special 140.00 price is applied immediately if the friend, the New Student, registers first. If the New Student has not yet registered, the regular 200.00 will be charged, and the discount will be refunded when the New Student registers. The discount can also be turned into a credit for a future course.

**Includes Standard Tuition + Admin Fee.

For 12-week courses, fees are refundable in full before the second session. If the participant withdraws after the second course, they will be charged a $50 fee. There is no refund after the third course has passed. Please note that non-attendance does not constitute a withdrawal.

Students pursuing studies for credit are encouraged to consult with their advisers as they register for courses.

Course leaders, and students wishing to use credit vouchers, should call (514) 935-9585 to pay by phone or to schedule an appointment to pay in person.

Fill the following form to register

Questions? Stuck? Give us a call at (514) 935-9585
or email us at